Check Your Grades & GPA Easily on Aeries | Student Portal Guide


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How to Check Your GPA on Aeries: A Breeze in the Academic Wind!

Ever wondered how your GPA seems to have a mind of its own? Wonder how to navigate the labyrinth of grades and credits? Fear not, for the answer lies within the magical realm of Aeries!

Imagine a world where tracking your academic progress is as simple as clicking a button. A world where understanding your strengths and weaknesses is just a few keystrokes away. Welcome to the world of Aeries, your personal academic command center!

But with so many features and options, navigating Aeries can feel like a daunting task. So let's break down the process of checking your GPA into manageable steps:

Step 1: Log In to Your Aeries Account

Just like unlocking the treasure trove of your academic journey, log in using your school ID and password. Remember, knowledge is power, and your GPA is just a click away!

Step 2: Locate the "Academics" Section

Within Aeries, you'll find a treasure trove of information regarding your academic performance. This hidden gem is usually located within the "Student" or "Academics" section. Keep your eyes peeled for buttons or links labelled "GPA," "Grades," or "Academic Records."

Step 3: Find Your GPA and Grade Statistics

Most Aeries interfaces will display your current overall GPA prominently. But that's not all! You'll also find detailed information on individual grades, credit hours earned, and even your GPA history.

Pro-tip: Did you know that the average GPA for high school students in the US is 3.0? It's time to outshine the norm!

Step 4: Explore Your Options

Aeries often offers additional features to enhance your GPA tracking experience. These options may include:

  • Term GPA Calculator: Calculate your GPA for specific semesters or quarters.
  • Grade History: Track your academic performance over time.
  • GPA Calculator with Different Grade Scales: Choose your grading system for accurate GPA calculation.

Remember, Aeries is your gateway to academic insight. Take the time to explore its features and empower yourself to manage your academic journey like a pro!

Check Your Grades & GPA Easily on Aeries | Student Portal Guide

Ever wondered how to effortlessly keep track of your academic progress? Look no further than Aeries, your school's online student portal! This magical tool allows you to access your grades, GPA, attendance records, and other important information with just a few clicks.

How to navigate your way through Aeries like a pro:

  1. Log in to your Aeries account. Enter your school-issued username and password to enter the portal.

  2. Navigate the main dashboard. The dashboard showcases your most recent grades, attendance details, and notifications.

  3. Find the "Academics" section. This section is your treasure trove of grade-related information.

Here's how to check your grades and GPA:

  • Click on the "Grade Summaries" link.
  • Select the desired term or semester.
  • Boom! Your grades and GPA are right there, neatly organized.

Common Questions about Aeries Grade Tracking:

1. How do I reset my Aeries password? If you've forgotten your password, click on the "Forgot Password?" link on the login page. Enter your email address associated with your account, and a reset link will be sent to your inbox.

2. Can I track my attendance on Aeries? Absolutely! Look for the "Attendance" section in the "Academics" tab. You'll find a detailed record of your attendance for each class.

3. Where can I find my schedule? Your schedule is accessible in the "Student Information" section.

4. How do I access my unofficial transcript? Click on the "Academic Records" section and choose "Unofficial Transcript."

5. What if I need to contact someone about my grades? The contact information for your teachers and counselors is available in the "Directory" section.


Aeries is your ultimate guide to staying on top of your academic performance. With easy-to-use features and readily available information, the Aeries student portal empowers you to take control of your educational journey. So, explore your grades, track your progress, and prepare for success with the remarkable Aeries platform!