How to Draw a Gorgeous Picture Frame: Easy Step-by-Step Tutorial!


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How to Draw a Picture Frame: More Than Just Four Lines?

Ever wondered how artists effortlessly frame their masterpieces? It's not magic, it's actually quite simple! While four straight lines might seem like the obvious answer, creating a captivating frame requires a bit more thought and creativity.

Did you know the earliest picture frames were actually boxes made of materials like papyrus and wood?

But don't worry, you don't need a degree in ancient Egyptian architecture to tackle this. We'll break down the process into manageable steps, allowing you to showcase your masterpieces with style.

Step 1: Inspiration and Design

Before you grab your pencils or paintbrushes, take a step back and envision your masterpiece. What kind of frame would best complement the overall composition?

Fun fact: The most popular frame shape of all time is the 3:4 ratio, which basically means most landscape paintings look best in a rectangular frame.

Consider the colors, the style of your artwork, and the overall atmosphere you want to create.

Step 2: The Magic of Proportions

The golden ratio, that magical number slightly above 1.6, is your new best friend. This mathematical principle ensures your frame is aesthetically balanced and visually pleasing.

Did you know the Egyptians also used the golden ratio in their pyramids? It's a timeless aesthetic!

Use online tools or simply draw guidelines on your paper to ensure your frame sits perfectly in the center.

Step 3: Outline and Shape

Now comes the fun part! Using your chosen guidelines, outline your frame. For beginners, simple rectangles are great, but feel free to experiment with ovals, arches, or even intricate patterns.

Step 4: Enhance and Finish

Outline your frame with details like corner pieces, inner borders, or even playful patterns. Once you're happy with your masterpiece, finish the frame with protective borders around the image or artwork.

And voila, you're done! A beautiful frame that perfectly complements your masterpiece. Now hang it proudly, and enjoy the visual delight you've created.

Remember, there are no 'right' or 'wrong' ways to create a picture frame. Have fun, experiment, and let your personality shine through your creation!

How to Draw a Gorgeous Picture Frame: Easy Step-by-Step Tutorial!

Hey art enthusiasts! 🎨

Ever dreamed of framing your cherished memories in a masterpiece of your own? Well, mastering the art of drawing a picture frame is surprisingly easier than you might think! So, let's get started on this creative journey!

Step 1: Gather Your Supplies

  • Drawing paper (cardstock or mixed media paper)
  • Pencils (HB and 2B)
  • Eraser
  • Colored pencils or markers
  • Ruler or straight edge

Step 2: Drawing the Basic Frame

  1. Draw a rectangle representing the frame itself. This rectangle should be slightly larger than the image you plan to frame.
  2. Draw two diagonal lines from each corner to the opposite corner, resulting in a "crossed" shape. These lines will create the infamous picture frame corners.

Step 3: Adding Details

  1. Define the frame width by drawing a line parallel to the bottom of the rectangle, slightly inside the border you just created. This line forms the inner edge of the frame.
  2. Draw another line parallel to the top of the rectangle, within the frame border. This forms the bottom edge of the frame.
  3. Connect the top and bottom lines with two diagonal lines, completing the frame shape.

Step 4: Finishing Touches

  1. Erase any unnecessary construction lines.
  2. Use colored pencils or markers to shade in the frame, creating shadows and depth.
  3. Once satisfied, go over the frame outline with a darker pencil or pen for a clean and finished look.


1. What is the best paper for framing?

Thick cardstock or mixed media paper work best for drawing frames, providing a sturdy structure.

2. Should I use a specific pencil lead for the frame?

HB or 2B pencils are ideal for drawing the frame lines.

3. How can I make the frame more realistic?

Add shadows using various shading techniques to make the frame appear three-dimensional.


Drawing a picture frame is a captivating and rewarding exercise for artists of all ages. With just a few basic materials and a little creativity, you can transform ordinary images into extraordinary works of art. So, grab your pencils, unleash your imagination, and create a picture frame that will make you smile for years to come!

Remember: art is a journey, so let your creative spirit flow! ✨