How to Draw Curvy Figures: Embrace Body Positivity in Your Art


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How to Draw Plus Size Bodies: More Than Just Curves and Smiles

Ever stared at a fashion illustration and thought, "That just wouldn't work on a bigger body?" Fear not, fellow artists! Drawing plus size bodies isn't about just adding curves and calling it a day. It's about capturing the unique beauty and movement of larger forms.

Did you know? There are over 40 different body shapes categorized by scientists? That's a whole rainbow of shapes beyond just the classic hourglass figure!

Drawing plus size bodies requires stepping outside the box and understanding the nuances of body proportions, posture, and movement. It's not about erasing the curves, but celebrating them!

Here's a secret: curves are beautiful, but they're only part of the story. Plus size models and bodies move with grace and fluidity, so pay attention to posture and fluidity in your drawings.

Remember, every body is different, regardless of size. Embrace the variations in skin texture, stretch marks, and natural contours. These details make your drawings come alive.

"A woman's body is her art. The curves are the masterpiece. It's time we start admiring the art, not criticizing the canvas." - Janice Dickinson

This journey to realistic and celebratory plus size art is one of learning, unlearning, and embracing the beauty of diversity. So, grab your pencils, unleash your imagination, and let's create art that reflects the true diversity of our world!

This is just a taste of the insights you'll find in this comprehensive guide. Stay tuned for the full article, where we'll delve deeper into the world of drawing plus size bodies, with tips, tricks, and inspiration galore!

How to Draw Curvy Figures: Embrace Body Positivity in Your Art


Art has the power to capture the human experience, and that includes celebrating diverse body shapes and sizes. While traditional art often focused on slender figures, contemporary art is shifting towards embracing inclusivity and body positivity. In this guide, we'll explore how to draw curvy figures, capturing the beauty and strength of diverse bodies.

Step 1: Research and Inspiration

  • Gather reference images of curvy figures in different poses and angles.
  • Study anatomy books to understand body proportions.
  • Look for art that inspires you and draws inspiration from different styles.

Step 2: Shapes and Proportions

  • Understand the basic shapes of different body parts.
  • Use spheres, cylinders, and cones to create forms.
  • Pay attention to waistlines, curves, and tummy areas.

Step 3: Sketching the Outline

  • Lightly outline the basic shapes of the figure.
  • Use flowing lines to capture movement and posing.
  • Proportionate arms and legs to create balanced figures.

Step 4: Shading and Details

  • Use shading to create depth and dimension.
  • Add details like hair, clothing, and accessories.
  • Pay attention to highlighting curves and contours.

Step 5: Embrace Imperfection

  • Don't strive for perfection.
  • Celebrate the uniqueness of each figure.
  • Allow for variations in shape and size.

Common Questions and Answers

1. What are some common challenges when drawing curvy figures?

The main challenge is understanding body proportions and capturing the natural curves of the body.

2. How do I avoid making curvy figures look oversexualized?

Focus on capturing the beauty and strength of the body, rather than emphasizing sexualized features.


Drawing curvy figures is a journey of exploration, discovery, and growth. By embracing body positivity and celebrating diversity, you can create art that reflects the real world and challenges traditional beauty standards.